
This syllabus will be the basic structure of your 'Design for the Web' class. Based on our progress each week, this outline may vary and will be determined at the end of each class; adjustments will be made as necessary. Students are responsible for checking this blog each week to get class assignments for the following week.

Students will...

  • learn to analyze and research a target audience.
  • be able to evaluate the information architecture of a site.
  • understand how a company's brand identity plays a part in the design choices.
  • develop the capability to mock up designs for web, mobile, and tablet.
  • gain an understanding of responsive design.
  • make a simple .css file for the typography of your site.


  • Learn the skills necessary to conceive and design a good website. 
  • Become familiar with the fundamental web design principles.
  • Develop an understanding of the terminology, process and design skills used to make a smart and accessible website.
  • Gain the communication skills necessary to discuss your work in a professional team environment.

Class Structure

During each class, we will build upon what was learned in the previous sessions. Please be on time and on schedule with your assignments so that we have time to get through everything.

Students should be prepared to...

  • present work when assignments are due.
  • receive a critique of new work.
  • be lectured and perform exercises when learning new material.
  • work on in-class assignments.
The percentage of time spent on each will be determined by project phase.

Class Project

Option 1: Redesign an existing website.
Option 2: Design an original website.

The final project deliverable for each student's website will include:

  • Homepage
  • Submenu page
  • Content/Detail page
  • 2 pages of your website adapted for mobile
  • 2 screens of your website adapted for tablet

On each of the above pages, students will have to incorporate:

  • Global Navigation
  • Sub-navigation
  • Headers and subheads
  • Header/Footer
  • Content (text and images)
  • Social Media
  • Contact page with form

Students will give a presentation of their website and all assignments on the last day of class.

Project Requirements

Complete all of the following:
  • Setup a blog where you can keep your assignments and screens for presentation.
  • Present 3 possible sites for redesign or original site for design.
  • State the problems with the sites and ideas for solution.
  • Research and present who your target audience is and how it will impact your redesign.
  • Research competitors and give examples.
  • Create a sitemap of the current site.
  • Create a sitemap and flowchart for your project site.
  • Wireframes for selected pages of your website project.
  • Color palettes and typography choices.
  • New logo treatment or design as necessary.
  • Basic HTML page showing CSS site typography of H tags, p, links and lists.
  • Mobile/Tablet friendly version for selected pages of your project site.

Class Requirement

You will need a storage device, flash drive, or online storage to transport your work, and something to take notes and sketches on.


Determined by:
  • all parts of the project completed
  • individual deadlines accomplished on time
  • class participation
  • attendance*
*3 classes missed is a failing grade; 3 times late = 1 absence. PLEASE DON'T BE LATE!

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